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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hello again...

You may have noticed I've been missing for a while. Alas, I had to go back to work on the 13th. Summer just doesn't seem long enough, but, then again, I'm ready to get back into the structure and schedule.

My new teaching partner (Candace) and I have been busy readying our room (it's a portable which means we get A/C...yay!!!) and trying to figure out the newly adopted reading program, plus planning out the first couple of weeks. I'm teaching 5th grade this year. I'll be working every Thurs. and Fri. as well as every-other Wed. It should be a sweet deal. I taught 6th grade part time last year, but worked every single morning (with alternating full-day Wednesdays). It'll be nice to have 2 to 3 full days off per week this year.

Candace and I met our new class on back to school night a couple of days ago. Looks like a cute bunch of kids. We've got a lot more girls in our class than boys. We'll have to see how that goes. I happen to have my own 5th grade girl at home, and let me tell you, it can be a dramatic experience some days! :)

I haven't taught 5th grade since my student teaching days years and years ago! It has a fun curriculum. American history, electricity, physical matter, magnetism, US geography, and novels, etc. I really enjoyed teaching 6th. I hope to like 5th just as much. My mom has taught 5th for years and really likes it (well...most days.)

I switched schools because this new one happens to be 2.2 miles from my house. (It's not the closest school, or even the 2nd closest school to my house...can you believe that?) My old school was a 20-25 min. commute each way. So, I'm definitely excited for that part. The faculty at this new school has been very welcoming and the 5th grade team is very helpful! I will miss my last school for sure. But, this new one seems to be a great place to work. I'll keep you posted.


Amie said...

So nice that it's close to home! And I like that you have actual days off now. Who teaches the other days--the team teacher? Is that how it works? Do they do that a lot up there? and is it for the express reason that some teachers only want to work PT? That's a new concept to me. Cool for you!

Char said...

Back to work...well there is a part of me that's jealous. How nice that you get the full days off too.

About Me

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Deana and Gary were married on November 7, 1996. Whoa, that was a long time ago! We have 4 kids: Adeline Kay (12), Calder Saville (9), Gavin Jack (7), and Sadie Morann (2).