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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sweet Sadie Smiling

Okay, I'm totally aware of the fact that my family is more than just this little one. I'm obviously a bit smitten at the moment with my sweet Sadie. I hope to update you all on the rest of the family soon. Addie and Gavin have birthdays in a couple of weeks, and then Calder's is a couple of weeks after that, so I'm sure I'll have some fun stuff to share. But, come on, is this not the cutest baby ever!? Sadie pulls all sorts of faces, including smiles. They're not intentional yet, but they sure are cute! I love her little dimples. She has one on each cheek. Of her face, I mean. :) I'm sure I'll just melt when I finally get that first "real" smile from her. But, for now, I'll take the pretend ones.


Shelly said...

I found your blog! Glad to see your fam! Check ours out if you haven't.

Char said...

Dimples...they get you every time!
And I know what you mean about 'more than just the little one' but they change so fast they gotta occupy most of the blog for the first little while!
I look forward to getting the updates on Addie, Calder and Gavin too.

About Me

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Deana and Gary were married on November 7, 1996. Whoa, that was a long time ago! We have 4 kids: Adeline Kay (12), Calder Saville (9), Gavin Jack (7), and Sadie Morann (2).